Kothari & Associates
Kothari & Associates (Advocates & Solicitors) an innovative, forward-thinking full service law firm, founded in 1984, has offices at Jodhpur, Jaipur and Pali (Rajasthan). The firm has its associate representations at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad. Kothari & Associates together with B.M. Kothari & Co. has provided consultancy and legal services for over a period of 50 years to a variety of domestic and international clients including Corporations, financial entities, Government agencies and individuals.
Practice AreasListed below is a comprehensive list of different areas of law we specialise in
Through our Arbitration practice, we engage in Arbitration and Mediation on behalf of our clients, both in India and abroad. Justice Dr. Vineet Kothari (Former Acting Chief Justice) is acting as an Arbitrator in number of cases.
A substantial part of our Dispute Resolution Practice arises out of complex commercial transactions. Our emphasis is on aligning litigation strategy with the commercial interests of our clients, while recognising time sensitivities.
Our firm offers a broad range of Tax services, both Direct and Indirect, in which it combines insight and innovation with industry knowledge to help businesses remain compliant as well as competitive.
We advise and represent clients in relation to Anticompetitive Agreements, Abuse of Dominant Position and Merger Control. We regularly engage with the Competition Commission of India (CCI) and the office of the Director General (DG) in relation to complaints of breaches of Competition Law and investigations.
We advise clients at the pre insolvency stage or during the Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (advising the Committee of Creditors or the Resolution Professional), to acquisition of the stressed asset via an insolvency process.
Our white–collar crime professionals help clients respond rapidly to instances of alleged Fraud, Bribery, Corruption and other misconduct, addressing legal issues and risks that may arise, including advice on disclosures and responding to regulatory authorities.